Restoration Technician Katee Johnson also enjoys taking photos of flora, fauna, and the TWI Refuge team at work! Check out her captures over summer 2024, taken across the 3,000-acre Dixon Waterfowl Refuge.

American lotus on Hennepin & Hopper Lakes

Black-necked Stilt

Coral fungus

Blue dasher dragonfly

Intern Gabby Smith and Restoration Technician Jacob Karkowski harvesting seed by a large patch of blazing stars

Sandhill Crane near main entrance

Wild lupine leaves

A freshly emerged annual cicada

Restoration Technician Nicholas Hall-Skank on TWI's Marsh Master

Sora rail enjoying an opening created by the Marsh Master

Storm clouds moving in over the Refuge

Compass plant

Blue sage in bloom at Sandy Hollow

Eastern painted turtle

Monarch butterfly on showy goldenrod